Atome 2 : Comparative Modeling, Annotation & Complexes Prediction of Study :
UP000005269 (2017 - Enterococcus faecium - ENTFC: Enterococcus faecium (strain DO))

Download : Data.csv | 3D Common Core | 3D Models

Tab legend :
    Full name of ligand selected in the comparative docking column:

    General color information : Quality: [ Good | Correct | Uncertain ]
QueryStructural Alignment (SA)3D Modeling AnnotationLigands from PDB templatesPredicted Complexes - pKd:[ ‹nMol | ‹μMol | ‹mMol ]

Query Sequence
SA found
Seq Ident. 3D Core
(QMean Score)
Classification code

Binding Site Ligands Found
Profile Complexes by comparative docking
(ligands from PDB templates)

for screening

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[Nb of SA]
[Best Ident]
[Best Score]
Main Code
Distribution of CDocking pKd
100I3TYT815 52% ? PF00583 42 - (0)? - / - / - 0
101I3TYT918 20% 0.45 PF02811 C9_S13 - (0)1 - / - / 1 0
102I3TYU00 40% 0.18 PF00303 13 - (1)? - / - / - 0
103I3TYU20 24% 0.57 PF00567 0 - (0)? - / - / - 0
104I3TYU30 44% ? PF03819 1 - (0)? - / - / - 0
105I3TYU60 53% 0.27 PF03604 4 - (0)? - / - / - 0
106I3TYU70 35% 0.10 PF07702 1 - (0)? - / - / - 0
107I3TYV20 23% -0.15 PF00510 0 - (0)? - / - / - 0
108I3TYV320 28% ? PF00375 22 - (0)1 - / - / - 0
109I3TYV72 50% 0.36 PF11111 5 - (0)? - / - / - 0
110I3TYV90 32% 0.80 PF07732 17 - (0)? - / - / - 0
111I3TYW620 37% 0.56 PF00232 C2_S141 - (34)5 - / - / 3 0
112I3TYX220 33% 0.45 PF00107 53 - (33)1 - / - / - 0
113I3TYX60 40% 0.56 PF05761 4 - (0)? - / - / - 0
114I3TYX97 37% 0.49 PF00874 8 - (0)? - / - / - 0
115I3TYY017 60% 0.55 PF00282 C2_S130 - (26)3 - / - / 3 1
116I3TYY18 37% ? PF13520 6 - (0)? - / - / - 0
117I3TYY50 50% 0.74 -0 - (0)? - / - / - 0
118I3TYY712 43% 0.50 PF03466 C2_S15 - (0)1 - / - / 1 0
119I3TYY817 31% 0.46 PF00698 C1_S112 - (2)8 - / - / 6 0
120I3TYZ30 33% 0.36 PF00595 0 - (0)? - / - / - 0
121I3TYZ60 18% 0.05 PF03660 0 - (0)? - / - / - 0
122I3TYZ811 21% 0.52 PF02302 4 - (0)? - / - / - 0
123I3TZ029 40% 0.56 PF13181 3 - (0)? - / - / - 0
124I3TZ0916 21% 0.42 PF00903 9 - (0)? - / - / - 0
125I3TZ1261 64% 0.58 PF16657 C1_S1106 - (0)20 - / - / 42 6
126I3TZ1410 28% 0.48 PF00359 2 - (0)? - / - / - 0
127I3TZ1714 33% 0.56 PF01325 36 - (0)? - / - / - 0
128I3TZ1822 39% 0.49 PF00724 C2_S187 - (2)5 - / - / 3 1
129I3TZ2020 33% 0.47 PF02852 63 - (60)? - / - / - 0
130I3TZ2110 27% 0.41 PF00874 2 - (0)? - / - / - 0
131I3TZ2244 78% 0.51 PF00370 C4_S169 - (69)14 - / 2 / 25 4
132I3TZ2411 98% 0.55 PF01266 C1_S186 - (60)3 4 / 2 / 1 1
133I3TZ270 29% ? PF03246 6 - (0)? - / - / - 0
134I3TZ2913 48% 0.57 PF01636 13 - (0)? - / - / - 0
135I3TZ340 39% 0.32 PF03332 0 - (0)? - / - / - 0
136I3TZ364 36% ? PF11570 2 - (0)? - / - / - 0
137I3TZ4517 40% 0.52 PF00440 24 - (0)0 - / - / - 0
138I3TZ4616 46% 0.47 PF00067 6 - (0)? - / - / - 0
139I3TZ5217 29% 0.46 PF01263 23 - (18)2 - / - / - 0
140I3TZ5619 31% 0.42 PF03372 C1_S18 - (0)3 - / - / 1 0
141I3TZ575 15% 0.20 PF02516 6 - (0)? - / - / - 0
142I3TZ650 44% 0.28 PF02798 0 - (0)? - / - / - 0
143I3TZ660 43% 0.21 PF02672 3 - (0)? - / - / - 0
144I3TZ673 29% 0.24 PF07837 4 - (2)? - / - / - 0
145I3TZ700 23% 0.25 PF02373 1 - (0)? - / - / - 0
146I3TZ7215 48% 0.64 PF00072 45 - (0)? - / - / - 0
147I3TZ739 35% ? PF00512 21 - (21)? - / - / - 0
148I3TZ7413 38% 0.46 PF03466 4 - (0)? - / - / - 0
149I3TZ8437 41% 0.53 PF01263 C3_S142 - (38)17 - / - / 26 7
150I3TZ8920 98% 0.61 PF00356 C1_S146 - (0)2 - / - / 3 1

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