Atome 2 : Comparative Modeling, Annotation & Complexes Prediction of Study :
LTP (May 2014)

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Tab legend :
    Full name of ligand selected in the comparative docking column:

    General color information : Quality: [ Good | Correct | Uncertain ]
QueryStructural Alignment (SA)3D Modeling AnnotationLigands from PDB templatesPredicted Complexes - pKd:[ ‹nMol | ‹μMol | ‹mMol ]

Query Sequence
SA found
Seq Ident. 3D Core
(QMean Score)
(QMean Score)
Classification code

Binding Site (All) Ligands Found
Profile Complexes by comparative docking
(ligands from PDB templates)

for screening

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[Nb of SA]
[Best Ident]
[Best Score]
[Best Score]
Main Code
Distribution of CDocking pKd
1070_tI_ORYSA10 60% 0.473 0.473 PF00234 C1_S15 - (0)- - / - / 5 -
2325_tI_POPCN8 60% 0.523 0.508 PF00234 C1_S15 - (0)- - / - / 5 -
3200_tI_ATRNU9 63% 0.578 0.578 PF00234 C2_S14 - (0)- - / 2 / 1 -
4377_tI_SOLLC8 74% 0.519 0.551 PF00234 C2_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
5411_tI_ZEADI8 98% 0.657 0.657 PF00234 C3_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
6365_tI_SALMI8 64% 0.521 0.505 PF00234 C3_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
7375_tI_SOLCI8 74% 0.625 0.618 PF00234 C3_S14 - (0)- - / 2 / 2 -
8519_tI_TAMHI10 58% 0.397 0.493 PF00234 C4_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
9773_tI_MEDTR9 61% 0.653 0.622 PF00234 C2_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
10432_tI_ZEAMP9 88% 0.645 0.657 PF00234 C1_S14 - (0)- - / 2 / 2 -
11416_tI_MAIZE8 99% 0.632 0.656 PF00234 C2_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
12512_tI_CASMO8 64% 0.647 0.652 PF00234 C1_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
13376_tI_SOLLC9 74% 0.647 0.662 PF00234 C4_S14 - (0)- - / 2 / 2 -
14277_tI_LENCU8 61% 0.559 0.559 PF00234 C3_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
15324_tI_PLAOI8 64% 0.634 0.610 PF00234 C3_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
16429_tI_ZEAMP10 87% 0.646 0.667 PF00234 C1_S14 - (0)- - / 2 / 2 -
17292_tI_NICGL8 61% 0.538 0.527 PF00234 C2_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
18521_tI_ORYSA9 78% 0.554 0.470 PF00234 C2_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
19265_tI_HORVU9 72% 0.468 0.527 PF00234 C2_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
20425_tI_MAIZE10 87% 0.652 0.643 PF00234 C3_S14 - (0)- - / 2 / 2 -
21279_tI_LENCU10 59% 0.533 0.569 PF00234 C2_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
22364_tI_RUBID9 69% 0.628 0.628 PF00234 C4_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
23522_tI_ORYSA10 75% 0.533 0.544 PF00234 C2_S14 - (0)- - / 2 / 2 -
24215_tI_BRANA8 54% 0.492 0.546 PF00234 C2_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
25299_tI_TOBAC9 100% 0.548 0.588 PF00234 C4_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
26191_tI_AERJP7 57% 0.608 0.625 PF00234 C2_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
27001_tI_WHEAT10 100% 0.571 0.623 PF00234 C3_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
28380_tI_SOLPN8 77% 0.577 0.587 PF00234 C4_S14 - (0)- - / 2 / 2 -
29002_tI_WHEAT11 96% 0.547 0.548 PF00234 C2_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 2 -
30434_tI_ZEAMP8 88% 0.625 0.657 PF00234 C2_S14 - (0)- - / 2 / 2 -
31431_tI_ZEAMP8 100% 0.642 0.653 PF00234 C3_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
32245_tI_FRAAN8 69% 0.520 0.519 PF00234 C4_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
33053_tI_WHEAT10 80% 0.631 0.577 PF00234 C2_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
34231_tI_CICAR8 62% 0.496 0.496 PF00234 C2_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
35409_tI_ZEADI8 100% 0.642 0.653 PF00234 C2_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
36052_tI_WHEAT9 77% 0.529 0.566 PF00234 C2_S14 - (0)- - / 2 / 2 -
37291_tI_NICGL8 59% 0.589 0.591 PF00234 C2_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
38259_tI_HELAN8 66% 0.498 0.573 PF00234 C2_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
39234_tI_CITSI8 68% 0.477 0.527 PF00234 C3_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
40388_tI_SORBI8 89% 0.673 0.673 PF00234 C2_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
41073_tI_ORYSA9 77% 0.529 0.566 PF00234 C2_S14 - (0)- - / 2 / 2 -
42276_tI_LENCU10 59% 0.655 0.619 PF00234 C2_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
43278_tI_LENCU9 60% 0.508 0.528 PF00234 C3_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
44290_tI_NICGL9 60% 0.458 0.478 PF00234 C2_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
45774_tI_MEDTR9 65% 0.548 0.532 PF00234 C2_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
46435_tI_ZEAMP8 99% 0.716 0.716 PF00234 C3_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
47280_tI_LENCU9 62% 0.504 0.470 PF00234 C5_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
48413_tI_ZEADI8 99% 0.614 0.603 PF00234 C2_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -
49433_tI_ZEAMP8 86% 0.709 0.709 PF00234 C1_S14 - (0)- - / 2 / 2 -
50240_tI_FRAAN8 62% 0.574 0.576 PF00234 C2_S14 - (0)- - / 1 / 3 -

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