Atome 2 : Comparative Modeling, Annotation & Complexes Prediction of Study :
NR_HUMAN_I30_201601 (Jan 2016)

Download : Data.csv | 3D Models

Tab legend :
    Full name of ligand selected in the comparative docking column:

    General color information : Quality: [ Good | Correct | Uncertain ]
QueryStructural Alignment (SA)3D Modeling AnnotationLigands from PDB templatesPredicted Complexes - pKd:[ ‹nMol | ‹μMol | ‹mMol ]

Query Sequence
SA found
Seq Ident. 3D Core
(QMean Score)
Classification code

Binding Site (All) Ligands Found
Profile Complexes by comparative docking
(ligands from PDB templates)

for screening

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[Nb of SA]
[Best Ident]
[Best Score]
Main Code
Distribution of CDocking pKd
1H_NR1C3_PPARg202 100% 0.617 PF00105 C3_S1242 - (0)20 58 / 88 / 53 103
2H_NR3A2_ESRb191 100% 0.646 PF00105 C4_S1221 - (0)20 28 / 133 / 30 78
3H_NR3A1_ESRa182 100% 0.738 PF00105 C6_S1189 - (0)20 33 / 118 / 29 75
4H_NR1C1_PPARa202 100% 0.804 PF00105 C3_S1240 - (0)20 23 / 99 / 79 71
5H_NR1C2_PPARb158 100% 0.816 PF00105 C3_S1255 - (0)20 19 / 86 / 52 71
6H_NR1I1_VDR73 100% 0.780 PF00105 C2_S1188 - (0)20 70 / 3 / - 55
7H_NR3C4_ANDR154 100% 0.795 PF00105 C2_S1226 - (0)20 12 / 120 / 17 48
8H_NR3C3_PRGR167 100% 0.821 PF00105 C3_S1223 - (0)20 17 / 131 / 19 41
9H_NR3C1_GCR158 99% 0.612 PF00105 C4_S1200 - (0)20 20 / 113 / 18 34
10H_NR3C2_MCR170 99% 0.590 PF00105 C5_S1209 - (0)20 9 / 131 / 28 32
11H_NR2B1_RXRa81 100% 0.659 PF00105 C3_S1175 - (0)20 22 / 42 / 10 32
12H_NR2B2_RXRb87 100% 0.574 PF00105 C3_S1160 - (0)20 21 / 43 / 10 32
13H_NR2B3_RXRg82 100% 0.530 PF00105 C3_S1168 - (0)20 23 / 38 / 11 31
14H_NR1H4_FXR40 100% 0.717 PF00105 C3_S1194 - (0)20 33 / 4 / 3 23
15H_NR1F2_RORb38 98% 0.835 PF00105 C2_S169 - (0)20 2 / 31 / 5 17
16H_NR1F3_RORg38 100% 0.620 PF00105 C4_S190 - (0)20 8 / 27 / 3 16
17H_NR1H2_LXRb39 100% 0.665 PF00105 C4_S1189 - (0)20 19 / 8 / 4 15
18H_NR1B3_RARg32 100% 0.868 PF00105 C4_S1192 - (0)20 21 / 9 / 2 15
19H_NR1B2_RARb32 100% 0.526 PF00105 C2_S1185 - (0)20 21 / 8 / 3 15
20H_NR1B1_RARa32 100% 0.576 PF00105 C5_S1178 - (0)20 21 / 8 / 3 15
21H_NR1F1_RORa38 100% 0.806 PF00105 C2_S186 - (0)20 2 / 31 / 4 15
22H_NR1H3_LXRa40 100% 0.556 PF00105 C2_S1183 - (0)20 21 / 10 / 6 13
23H_NR5A2_LRH125 100% 0.675 PF00105 C2_S1131 - (0)15 13 / 3 / 1 9
24H_NR5A1_STF121 99% 0.597 PF00105 C2_S155 - (0)14 13 / 3 / - 9
25H_NR3B1_ERRa31 100% 0.582 PF00105 C2_S1227 - (0)17 3 / 19 / 4 9
26H_NR3B2_ERRb30 79% 0.623 PF00105 C5_S1264 - (0)15 - / 17 / 7 8
27H_NR3B3_ERRg31 100% 0.633 PF00105 C5_S1259 - (0)17 2 / 20 / 4 8
28H_NR1A1_THRa20 90% 0.523 PF00105 C4_S1137 - (0)10 - / 17 / - 7
29H_NR1A2_THRb19 100% 0.545 PF00105 C2_S1142 - (0)9 5 / 11 / - 6
30H_NR1I2_PXR20 100% 0.668 PF00105 C4_S1170 - (0)5 1 / 3 / - 4

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