Atome 2 : Comparative Modeling, Annotation & Complexes Prediction of Study :
UP000000804 (Helicobacter pylori - Dec 2015)

Download : Data.csv | 3D Models

Tab legend :
    Full name of ligand selected in the comparative docking column:

    General color information : Quality: [ Good | Correct | Uncertain ]
QueryStructural Alignment (SA)3D Modeling AnnotationLigands from PDB templatesPredicted Complexes - pKd:[ ‹nMol | ‹μMol | ‹mMol ]

Query Sequence
SA found
Seq Ident. 3D Core
(QMean Score)
Classification code

Binding Site Ligands Found
Profile Complexes by comparative docking
(ligands from PDB templates)

for screening

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[Nb of SA]
[Best Ident]
[Best Score]
Main Code
Distribution of CDocking pKd
1jhp_11640 38% 0.265 -1 - (0)? - / - / - 0
2jhp_12510 28% -0.252 -6 - (0)? - / - / - 0
3jhp_12789 33% 0.403 -3 - (0)? - / - / - 0
4jhp_13562 12% 0.461 -0 - (0)? - / - / - 0
5jhp_13620 30% 0.152 -23 - (0)? - / - / - 0
6jhp_02500 21% 0.340 -0 - (0)? - / - / - 0
7jhp_00354 28% 0.330 -2 - (0)? - / - / - 0
8jhp_03960 55% 0.117 -0 - (0)? - / - / - 0
9jhp_07720 23% 0.154 -0 - (0)? - / - / - 0
10jhp_08341 61% 0.245 -4 - (0)? - / - / - 0
11jhp_09160 42% 0.279 -2 - (0)? - / - / - 0
12jhp_09234 31% 0.344 -0 - (0)? - / - / - 0
13jhp_01646 45% 0.286 PF00004 9 - (0)? - / - / - 0
14jhp_114120 45% 0.620 PF00005 17 - (0)? - / - / - 0
15jhp_01182 33% 0.556 PF00005 15 - (0)? - / - / - 0
16jhp_078919 42% 0.459 PF00005 17 - (0)? - / - / - 0
17jhp_030010 34% 0.393 PF00005 7 - (0)? - / - / - 0
18jhp_054729 34% 0.317 PF00005 C2_S127 - (26)6 - / 11 / 2 4
19jhp_082120 38% 0.409 PF00005 11 - (0)? - / - / - 0
20jhp_016720 41% 0.436 PF00005 43 - (0)? - / - / - 0
21jhp_023522 37% 0.498 PF00005 C3_S138 - (0)5 - / - / 5 3
22jhp_135820 40% 0.519 PF00005 C1_S138 - (0)4 - / 7 / 1 2
23jhp_028633 38% 0.467 PF00005 C1_S183 - (0)10 - / 2 / 14 5
24jhp_01921 50% 0.270 PF00005 14 - (0)? - / - / - 0
25jhp_034332 39% 0.441 PF00005 C3_S176 - (76)7 - / 9 / 6 4
26jhp_065321 55% 0.593 PF00005 C1_S124 - (0)4 - / 4 / 3 2
27jhp_112939 44% 0.367 PF00005 C1_S168 - (67)5 - / 19 / - 3
28jhp_06709 25% 0.142 PF00005 5 - (0)? - / - / - 0
29jhp_09173 47% 0.207 PF00005 24 - (24)? - / - / - 0
30jhp_019118 20% 0.269 PF00005 5 - (5)? - / - / - 0
31jhp_064418 53% 0.495 PF00005 5 - (0)? - / - / - 0
32jhp_124114 18% 0.233 PF00005 3 - (0)? - / - / - 0
33jhp_12671 47% 0.415 PF00005 4 - (2)? - / - / - 0
34jhp_04910 36% 0.306 PF00010 2 - (0)? - / - / - 0
35jhp_02402 43% 0.620 PF00010 0 - (0)? - / - / - 0
36jhp_010188 66% 0.627 PF00012 C3_S1102 - (0)20 12 / 51 / 12 9
37jhp_128718 51% 0.599 PF00012 C1_S135 - (0)3 - / 3 / - 2
38jhp_07800 35% 0.340 PF00012 2 - (0)? - / - / - 0
39jhp_00547 34% 0.349 PF00012 7 - (0)? - / - / - 0
40jhp_091217 44% 0.528 PF00012 16 - (0)? - / - / - 0
41jhp_13445 97% 0.625 PF00013 5 - (0)? - / - / - 0
42jhp_03540 34% 0.224 PF00015 2 - (0)? - / - / - 0
43jhp_009110 47% 0.519 PF00015 1 - (0)? - / - / - 0
44jhp_00756 61% 0.458 PF00015 0 - (0)? - / - / - 0
45jhp_009517 97% 0.553 PF00015 C2_S112 - (0)8 - / - / 6 3
46jhp_09300 36% 0.123 PF00017 0 - (0)? - / - / - 0
47jhp_117110 40% 0.465 PF00018 4 - (0)? - / - / - 0
48jhp_10330 50% 0.100 PF00018 3 - (0)? - / - / - 0
49jhp_12683 42% 0.287 PF00018 1 - (0)? - / - / - 0
50jhp_09370 28% ? PF00018 4 - (2)? - / - / - 0

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