Atome 2 : Comparative Modeling, Annotation & Complexes Prediction of Study :
UP000001584 (Mycobacterium tuberculosis April 2016)

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Tab legend :
    Full name of ligand selected in the comparative docking column:

    General color information : Quality: [ Good | Correct | Uncertain ]
QueryStructural Alignment (SA)3D Modeling AnnotationLigands from PDB templatesPredicted Complexes - pKd:[ ‹nMol | ‹μMol | ‹mMol ]

Query Sequence
SA found
Seq Ident. 3D Core
(QMean Score)
Classification code

Binding Site Ligands Found
Profile Complexes by comparative docking
(ligands from PDB templates)

for screening

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[Nb of SA]
[Best Ident]
[Best Score]
Main Code
Distribution of CDocking pKd
1Rv305631 73% 0.601 PF11798 C5_S1328 - (301)18 - / - / 13 7
2Rv162994 47% 0.566 PF00476 C5_S1274 - (200)13 58 / 22 / 23 2
3Rv213964 100% 0.601 PF01180 C2_S1223 - (131)8 59 / 7 / 3 2
4Rv3602c105 99% 0.938 PF02569 C7_S1201 - (132)20 13 / 48 / 27 31
5Rv154320 33% 0.463 PF00106 190 - (107)? - / - / - 0
6Rv2210c86 100% 0.522 PF01063 C8_S1182 - (138)20 - / 13 / 77 8
7Rv317020 37% 0.520 PF01593 180 - (128)? - / - / - 0
8Rv1151c74 46% 0.517 PF02146 C5_S1179 - (0)20 21 / 42 / 19 11
9Rv2697c80 100% 0.640 PF00692 C4_S1179 - (144)16 - / - / 69 4
10Rv177728 32% 0.494 PF00067 C5_S1170 - (0)6 6 / - / 2 1
11Rv1256c23 100% 0.539 PF00067 C4_S1168 - (0)4 1 / - / 1 1
12Rv165737 100% 0.684 PF02863 C10_S1168 - (0)4 - / - / 18 2
13Rv2924c64 37% 0.542 PF06827 C7_S1165 - (0)5 4 / 31 / 28 0
14Rv068832 37% 0.606 PF02852 C1_S1165 - (104)6 27 / 1 / 4 3
15Rv1869c38 40% 0.570 PF02852 C1_S1162 - (102)3 38 / - / 1 1
16Rv2764c99 100% 0.654 PF00303 C8_S1162 - (95)20 - / 8 / 70 9
17Rv1880c62 44% 0.492 PF00067 C7_S1161 - (0)6 58 / - / 3 1
18Rv148478 100% 0.863 PF00106 C3_S1160 - (88)4 70 / 4 / - 3
19Rv094412 42% 0.640 PF06827 160 - (0)1 - / - / - 0
20Rv0162c58 34% 0.540 PF00107 C1_S1158 - (115)20 1 / - / 35 5
21Rv073387 100% 0.697 PF05191 C1_S1157 - (144)13 40 / 39 / 3 4
22Rv226649 100% 0.536 PF00067 C7_S1153 - (0)5 44 / - / 2 1
23Rv2763c31 100% 0.917 PF00186 C4_S1153 - (80)14 24 / 4 / 4 9
24Rv2129c27 38% 0.576 PF00106 C1_S1152 - (101)4 - / - / 1 1
25Rv3545c51 100% 0.540 PF00067 C4_S1151 - (0)7 45 / - / 1 2
26Rv1175c14 40% 0.466 PF00724 151 - (78)? - / - / - 0
27Rv361791 51% 0.487 PF13419 C1_S1150 - (10)20 2 / 24 / 62 40
28Rv297184 99% 0.622 PF00248 C6_S1148 - (120)15 55 / 9 / 4 4
29Rv156859 100% 0.631 PF00202 C2_S1148 - (80)20 - / 19 / 36 12
30Rv095655 100% 0.693 PF00551 C3_S1147 - (19)20 - / 25 / 15 13
31Rv3518c30 100% 0.480 PF00067 C6_S1147 - (0)7 16 / 2 / 1 2
32Rv1000c0 35% 0.369 PF13532 144 - (0)? - / - / - 0
33Rv0761c55 38% 0.502 PF00107 C1_S1143 - (88)20 2 / 8 / 35 1
34Rv193845 100% 0.522 PF13419 C1_S1141 - (1)20 - / 2 / 26 10
35Rv0851c30 78% 0.695 PF00106 C1_S1141 - (91)9 1 / - / 10 1
36Rv077846 38% 0.483 PF00067 C6_S1140 - (0)3 41 / - / 1 1
37Rv000999 100% 0.662 PF00160 C6_S1140 - (0)20 - / 43 / 26 5
38Rv0764c33 100% 0.800 PF00067 C5_S1140 - (3)13 16 / 3 / 11 2
39Rv308627 34% 0.500 PF00107 C1_S1140 - (87)6 - / - / 9 1
40Rv26450 50% 0.487 PF14716 138 - (0)? - / - / - 0
41Rv3809c40 100% 0.587 PF03275 C1_S1137 - (87)6 35 / 2 / - 2
42Rv154452 45% 0.557 PF00106 C1_S1135 - (86)13 13 / 12 / 7 3
43Rv153732 36% 0.473 PF11798 C2_S1135 - (130)16 - / - / 24 9
44Rv03315 32% 0.427 PF07992 133 - (50)? - / - / - 0
45Rv0766c36 37% 0.479 PF00067 C7_S1131 - (0)7 16 / - / 4 1
46Rv391349 100% 0.537 PF07992 C1_S1130 - (112)11 36 / 5 / 6 5
47Rv1785c22 33% 0.567 PF00067 C7_S1129 - (0)3 3 / - / - 1
48Rv2268c28 35% 0.497 PF00067 C5_S1129 - (0)5 7 / 2 / 2 1
49Rv2965c39 100% 0.574 PF01467 C3_S1129 - (66)12 - / 1 / 17 5
50Rv105022 42% 0.611 PF00106 C1_S1127 - (79)4 7 / - / - 2

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