Atome 2 : Comparative Modeling, Annotation & Complexes Prediction of Study :
UP000002438 (Pseudomonas aeruginosa - Jan 2016)

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Tab legend :
    Full name of ligand selected in the comparative docking column:

    General color information : Quality: [ Good | Correct | Uncertain ]
QueryStructural Alignment (SA)3D Modeling AnnotationLigands from PDB templatesPredicted Complexes - pKd:[ ‹nMol | ‹μMol | ‹mMol ]

Query Sequence
SA found
Seq Ident. 3D Core
(QMean Score)
Classification code

Binding Site Ligands Found
Profile Complexes by comparative docking
(ligands from PDB templates)

for screening

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[Nb of SA]
[Best Ident]
[Best Score]
Main Code
Distribution of CDocking pKd
1PA372486 100% 0.760 PF02868 C12_S1159 - (0)20 - / 21 / 28 36
2PA365794 100% 0.535 PF00557 C2_S184 - (1)20 - / 9 / 63 35
3PA274887 57% 0.496 PF00557 C2_S183 - (1)20 - / 4 / 71 35
4PA214466 46% 0.507 PF00343 C7_S1119 - (35)20 - / 13 / 49 33
5PA411080 100% 0.579 PF00144 C1_S199 - (0)20 - / - / 58 32
6PA475068 60% 0.652 PF00809 C5_S186 - (33)20 - / 6 / 62 26
7PA000474 74% 0.594 PF01751 C3_S174 - (0)20 6 / 33 / 19 23
8PA473098 56% 0.628 PF02569 C6_S1262 - (191)20 7 / 37 / 30 23
9PA440668 100% 0.532 PF03331 C8_S1107 - (0)20 1 / 39 / 20 21
10PA296254 100% 0.561 PF01712 C2_S184 - (46)20 3 / 36 / 12 21
11PA382350 54% 0.593 PF01702 C4_S145 - (17)20 - / 10 / 23 21
12PA496763 76% 0.506 PF01751 C2_S166 - (0)20 6 / 24 / 23 20
13PA308336 50% 0.453 PF01433 C3_S1114 - (27)20 - / 8 / 21 20
14PA289150 62% 0.487 PF02786 C2_S159 - (26)20 1 / 19 / 22 18
15PA543650 56% 0.530 PF02786 C1_S166 - (31)20 - / 15 / 27 17
16PA516373 100% 0.823 PF00483 C1_S153 - (13)20 - / 14 / 48 17
17PA365072 58% 0.584 PF13288 C1_S1122 - (57)20 35 / 18 / 20 16
18PA049442 60% 0.620 PF02786 C1_S168 - (32)20 - / 18 / 22 16
19PA140053 53% 0.486 PF02786 C2_S155 - (23)20 - / 16 / 24 16
20PA035059 48% 0.527 PF00186 C3_S1121 - (74)20 14 / 28 / 15 15
21PA001982 100% 0.732 PF01327 C5_S1109 - (26)20 - / 25 / 44 15
22PA152930 57% 0.512 PF03119 C4_S151 - (28)20 - / 16 / 15 14
23PA201245 100% 0.489 PF02786 C3_S160 - (27)20 - / 16 / 18 14
24PA365253 57% 0.545 PF01255 C9_S1101 - (28)20 - / 29 / 20 14
25PA087095 47% 0.605 PF00155 C1_S1151 - (112)20 15 / 22 / 59 14
26PA326273 49% 0.583 PF00254 C5_S1119 - (0)19 - / 30 / 20 13
27PA428073 45% 0.549 PF08279 C6_S1109 - (93)20 13 / 32 / 13 13
28PA371752 52% 0.599 PF00254 C3_S1111 - (0)20 - / 28 / 8 12
29PA083632 48% 0.540 PF00871 C2_S158 - (48)20 2 / 6 / 16 12
30PA034294 79% 0.597 PF00303 C8_S1158 - (84)20 - / 12 / 57 12
31PA075059 60% 0.572 PF03167 C8_S188 - (0)20 2 / 9 / 31 12
32PA484835 100% 0.655 PF02786 C1_S160 - (33)20 2 / 17 / 11 12
33PA313993 73% 0.688 PF00155 C1_S1124 - (94)20 15 / 17 / 48 12
34PA250735 75% 0.530 PF12391 C9_S129 - (25)16 - / - / 18 11
35PA336191 100% 0.751 PF00577 C9_S1100 - (0)20 - / - / 83 11
36PA455760 67% 0.630 PF02401 C9_S1117 - (0)20 - / 3 / 72 11
37PA494930 34% 0.503 PF03853 C3_S157 - (49)20 1 / 8 / 21 11
38PA180675 100% 0.597 PF00106 C1_S1148 - (85)20 56 / 21 / 7 11
39PA457276 51% 0.533 PF00254 C4_S1119 - (0)20 - / 34 / 22 11
40PA473257 51% 0.562 PF00342 C3_S140 - (39)20 - / - / 39 11
41PA065639 49% 0.674 PF01230 C5_S179 - (1)18 - / 13 / 18 10
42PA456938 52% 0.627 PF00348 C1_S152 - (29)18 - / - / 26 10
43PA380764 79% 0.486 PF00334 C9_S148 - (45)19 - / 22 / 24 10
44PA474867 52% 0.580 PF00121 C5_S151 - (43)20 - / - / 40 10
45PA003671 61% 0.594 PF00291 C2_S1104 - (98)14 6 / 14 / 37 9
46PA055260 74% 0.614 PF00162 C9_S183 - (72)19 - / 23 / 20 9
47PA257073 100% 0.669 PF07828 C17_S1118 - (0)17 - / 1 / 54 9
48PA516437 100% 0.457 PF00908 C6_S183 - (38)18 - / 3 / 27 9
49PA036365 61% 0.586 PF01467 C2_S1101 - (83)20 4 / 20 / 32 9
50PA296547 100% 0.534 PF02801 C3_S154 - (5)20 - / 7 / 16 9

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