Atome 2 : Comparative Modeling, Annotation & Complexes Prediction of Study :
KINOME (Jul 2013)

Download : Data.csv | 3D Models

Tab legend :
    Full name of ligand selected in the comparative docking column:

    General color information : Quality: [ Good | Correct | Uncertain ]
QueryStructural Alignment (SA)3D Modeling AnnotationLigands from PDB templatesPredicted Complexes - pKd:[ ‹nMol | ‹μMol | ‹mMol ]

Query Sequence
SA found
Seq Ident. 3D Core
(QMean Score)
Classification code

Binding Site Ligands Found
Profile Complexes by comparative docking
(ligands from PDB templates)

for screening
(Multi Mol2 user file : ALL)

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[Nb of SA]
[Best Ident]
[Best Score]
Main Code
Distribution of CDocking pKd
[Number] Nb
R (BestAtome)
150JAK3_HUMAN76 100% 0.573 PF07714 C1_S1128 - (18)20 13 / 34 / 23 32 700 -0.32
151PGFRA_HUMAN95 100% 0.588 PF07714 C2_S1128 - (12)20 3 / 16 / 68 15 300 -0.56
152PGFRB_HUMAN89 100% 0.553 PF07714 C6_S1135 - (5)20 3 / 14 / 65 8 145 -0.60
153VGFR2_HUMAN88 100% 0.709 PF07714 C4_S1192 - (13)20 27 / 38 / 26 36 1458 -0.62
154VGFR3_HUMAN95 100% 0.566 PF07714 C5_S1174 - (13)20 27 / 38 / 29 34 956 -0.47
155CSF1R_HUMAN87 94% 0.582 PF07714 C6_S1110 - (19)20 20 / 40 / 25 33 352 -0.62
156VGFR1_HUMAN93 100% 0.651 PF07714 C5_S1198 - (16)20 26 / 37 / 31 35 959 -0.67
157IGF1R_HUMAN67 100% 0.823 PF07714 C2_S1108 - (13)20 7 / 37 / 19 36 267 -0.64
158INSR_HUMAN73 100% 0.787 PF07714 C2_S1141 - (11)20 7 / 40 / 21 39 281 -0.25
159NTRK1_HUMAN91 100% 0.582 PF07714 C3_S1211 - (16)20 12 / 51 / 26 41 669 -0.43
160LTK_HUMAN62 100% 0.530 PF07714 C1_S1165 - (21)20 8 / 32 / 17 27 527 -0.63
161NTRK2_HUMAN86 100% 0.592 PF07714 C2_S1222 - (18)20 11 / 49 / 26 40 685 -0.47
162ALK_HUMAN68 100% 0.551 PF07714 C1_S1114 - (18)20 8 / 36 / 20 34 713 -0.40
163ROS1_HUMAN83 100% 0.592 PF07714 C2_S1136 - (18)20 3 / 33 / 44 32 329 -0.22
164KIT_HUMAN96 100% 0.579 PF07714 C5_S1168 - (13)20 23 / 39 / 31 32 406 -0.31
165FGFR1_HUMAN82 99% 0.598 PF07714 C3_S1102 - (31)10 11 / 33 / 36 30 351 -0.46
166RET_HUMAN16 100% 0.634 PF07714 C1_S1110 - (33)12 - / 16 / 7 18 287 -0.58
167FGFR3_HUMAN20 98% 0.606 PF07714 C3_S1116 - (32)20 2 / 12 / 5 ---
168ACVR1_HUMAN27 99% 0.501 PF08515 C1_S161 - (4)20 1 / 24 / 4 14 423 -0.44
169ROCK1_HUMAN36 100% 0.574 PF08912 C2_S142 - (0)20 - / 12 / 24 18 1416 -0.45
170MRCKA_HUMAN43 99% 0.588 PF08912 C3_S161 - (10)20 - / 16 / 26 19 597 -0.21
171ROCK2_HUMAN44 98% 0.585 PF08912 C3_S170 - (11)20 - / 18 / 27 22 1233 -0.30

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