Atome 2 : Comparative Modeling, Annotation & Complexes Prediction of Study :
UP000000804 (Helicobacter pylori - Dec 2015)

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Tab legend :
    Full name of ligand selected in the comparative docking column:

    General color information : Quality: [ Good | Correct | Uncertain ]
QueryStructural Alignment (SA)3D Modeling AnnotationLigands from PDB templatesPredicted Complexes - pKd:[ ‹nMol | ‹μMol | ‹mMol ]

Query Sequence
SA found
Seq Ident. 3D Core
(QMean Score)
Classification code

Binding Site Ligands Found
Profile Complexes by comparative docking
(ligands from PDB templates)

for screening

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[Nb of SA]
[Best Ident]
[Best Score]
Main Code
Distribution of CDocking pKd
1jhp_136397 43% 0.567 PF00476 C5_S1368 - (220)20 50 / 40 / 21 11
2jhp_0006105 45% 0.484 PF02569 C5_S1295 - (220)20 11 / 47 / 31 24
3jhp_041255 42% 0.504 PF01180 C4_S1176 - (112)8 49 / 4 / 6 2
4jhp_136170 58% 0.533 PF01063 C8_S1162 - (136)20 - / 3 / 61 0
5jhp_018170 98% 0.533 PF00106 C1_S1150 - (83)20 29 / 39 / 10 9
6jhp_100550 33% 0.532 PF00762 C6_S1150 - (0)10 18 / 3 / 23 4
7jhp_133445 48% 0.586 PF00160 C4_S1149 - (2)5 - / 18 / 4 2
8jhp_118021 47% 0.506 PF02146 C4_S1137 - (38)1 2 / 3 / - 0
9jhp_020263 36% 0.463 PF13288 C6_S1123 - (58)20 27 / 12 / 21 12
10jhp_141551 50% 0.524 PF03372 C1_S1121 - (2)7 - / 5 / 24 1
11jhp_079964 46% 0.542 PF00692 C2_S1119 - (92)11 - / - / 34 4
12jhp_01001 43% 0.417 PF12102 117 - (0)? - / - / - 0
13jhp_146020 40% 0.325 PF13631 115 - (0)? - / - / - 0
14jhp_053611 64% 0.407 PF07992 114 - (0)? - / - / - 0
15jhp_11895 57% 0.485 PF02775 114 - (0)? - / - / - 0
16jhp_06116 37% 0.349 PF13085 114 - (0)? - / - / - 0
17jhp_14019 39% 0.529 PF13237 114 - (0)? - / - / - 0
18jhp_10362 41% 0.505 PF07992 114 - (0)? - / - / - 0
19jhp_113321 45% 0.627 PF00132 C2_S1114 - (72)6 - / - / 13 1
20jhp_01264 37% 0.506 PF13183 114 - (0)? - / - / - 0
21jhp_026212 60% 0.439 PF00037 114 - (0)? - / - / - 0
22jhp_037367 44% 0.527 PF03331 C13_S1107 - (0)20 - / 38 / 23 21
23jhp_041055 55% 0.546 PF00701 C5_S1105 - (102)13 - / - / 16 3
24jhp_010188 66% 0.627 PF00012 C3_S1102 - (0)20 12 / 51 / 12 9
25jhp_114251 94% 0.497 PF01255 C8_S1102 - (28)20 3 / 20 / 25 14
26jhp_11352 39% 0.144 PF00137 100 - (0)? - / - / - 0
27jhp_136847 98% 0.530 PF01467 C2_S1100 - (82)17 6 / 15 / 21 8
28jhp_04190 36% 0.360 PF00071 98 - (93)? - / - / - 0
29jhp_076424 98% 0.605 PF07992 C3_S197 - (84)6 9 / 3 / 1 2
30jhp_017172 68% 0.526 PF00464 C1_S197 - (45)15 - / 2 / 49 5
31jhp_119956 66% 0.533 PF00291 C2_S196 - (90)14 7 / 12 / 36 9
32jhp_008267 100% 0.574 PF01048 C1_S195 - (50)20 - / 38 / 20 15
33jhp_038819 35% 0.625 PF01288 C11_S192 - (40)2 - / - / 3 2
34jhp_00441 53% 0.329 PF02008 C9_S192 - (33)2 - / - / 1 0
35jhp_142113 97% 0.495 PF02511 C5_S192 - (79)2 - / 4 / - 1
36jhp_088820 96% 0.592 PF00881 C1_S188 - (55)2 - / - / 1 1
37jhp_018219 47% 0.425 PF00132 C2_S186 - (0)2 - / - / 2 0
38jhp_11486 41% 0.612 PF00034 86 - (0)? - / - / - 0
39jhp_102022 38% 0.522 PF01370 C1_S185 - (71)1 2 / - / - 1
40jhp_121971 38% 0.624 PF00557 C2_S183 - (1)20 - / - / 46 24
41jhp_056125 39% 0.589 PF05191 C1_S183 - (68)7 3 / 2 / 5 4
42jhp_028633 38% 0.467 PF00005 C1_S183 - (0)10 - / 2 / 14 5
43jhp_126451 49% 0.588 PF00162 C7_S183 - (73)15 - / 21 / 25 8
44jhp_084620 38% 0.351 PF12950 82 - (36)? - / - / - 0
45jhp_039018 56% 0.543 PF01656 C2_S182 - (73)2 - / - / 1 1
46jhp_013517 43% 0.330 PF00034 82 - (59)? - / - / - 0
47jhp_108823 97% 0.595 PF00258 C4_S181 - (78)2 2 / 5 / - 1
48jhp_000358 51% 0.589 PF00793 C5_S181 - (78)18 - / 1 / 48 11
49jhp_126650 45% 0.644 PF03167 C8_S180 - (0)20 1 / 8 / 29 11
50jhp_013214 44% 0.373 PF00115 79 - (3)? - / - / - 0

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