Atome 2 : Comparative Modeling, Annotation & Complexes Prediction of Study :
UP000002438 (Pseudomonas aeruginosa - Jan 2016)

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Tab legend :
    Full name of ligand selected in the comparative docking column:

    General color information : Quality: [ Good | Correct | Uncertain ]
QueryStructural Alignment (SA)3D Modeling AnnotationLigands from PDB templatesPredicted Complexes - pKd:[ ‹nMol | ‹μMol | ‹mMol ]

Query Sequence
SA found
Seq Ident. 3D Core
(QMean Score)
Classification code

Binding Site Ligands Found
Profile Complexes by comparative docking
(ligands from PDB templates)

for screening

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[Nb of SA]
[Best Ident]
[Best Score]
Main Code
Distribution of CDocking pKd
1PA202575 47% 0.548 PF02852 C1_S1147 - (113)6 71 / - / 2 1
2PA368694 66% 0.647 PF05191 C2_S1143 - (130)12 59 / 30 / 2 5
3PA180675 100% 0.597 PF00106 C1_S1148 - (85)20 56 / 21 / 7 11
4PA416782 46% 0.571 PF00248 C3_S1182 - (103)19 51 / 8 / 12 3
5PA305055 57% 0.557 PF01180 C1_S1185 - (115)10 51 / 5 / 5 5
6PA362983 65% 0.602 PF00107 C1_S1151 - (99)20 46 / 31 / 7 5
7PA200357 76% 0.577 PF00106 C1_S1119 - (81)12 41 / 4 / 6 7
8PA138441 56% 0.640 PF01370 C1_S1151 - (126)10 41 / 4 / - 4
9PA549396 63% 0.557 PF00476 C4_S1244 - (172)11 37 / 30 / 13 1
10PA024737 100% 0.824 PF01494 C1_S1105 - (94)6 36 / 1 / 1 4
11PA482947 53% 0.571 PF02852 C1_S157 - (52)4 36 / 1 / 1 2
12PA365072 58% 0.584 PF13288 C1_S1122 - (57)20 35 / 18 / 20 16
13PA084941 71% 0.627 PF07992 C1_S1117 - (102)7 35 / - / 4 3
14PA458737 100% 0.512 PF00034 C2_S149 - (38)6 34 / 2 / 1 2
15PA225047 73% 0.570 PF02852 C1_S161 - (55)2 33 / 2 / - 1
16PA261644 72% 0.582 PF07992 C2_S1113 - (102)9 33 / - / 5 3
17PA158739 99% 0.672 PF02852 C2_S158 - (53)3 33 / - / - 1
18PA043033 42% 0.641 PF02219 C8_S164 - (52)6 32 / 1 / 3 3
19PA333138 43% 0.629 PF00067 C4_S1159 - (0)4 31 / - / - 1
20PA019634 67% 0.360 PF02776 C6_S147 - (38)10 30 / - / - 4
21PA293267 55% 0.562 PF00724 C6_S1104 - (46)12 29 / 11 / 7 5
22PA158348 70% 0.577 PF02910 C1_S156 - (48)6 27 / 1 / 3 4
23PA051937 100% 0.807 PF13442 C3_S160 - (2)8 26 / 9 / - 2
24PA327732 36% 0.550 PF00106 C2_S1103 - (78)7 25 / 3 / 1 3
25PA238236 42% 0.618 PF01070 C2_S177 - (55)10 25 / 1 / 6 4
26PA411743 100% 0.571 PF00360 C4_S132 - (0)6 24 / 2 / - 3
27PA516127 62% 0.527 PF01370 C1_S178 - (71)4 24 / - / - 2
28PA133458 62% 0.491 PF00724 C6_S197 - (41)8 23 / 10 / 5 3
29PA461527 43% 0.581 PF00175 C3_S193 - (62)7 23 / 4 / 2 3
30PA266430 52% 0.531 PF00175 C1_S1133 - (44)7 22 / 4 / 2 2
31PA339727 100% 0.592 PF00175 C4_S193 - (64)6 22 / 3 / 3 1
32PA164843 100% 0.604 PF00107 C1_S156 - (41)8 21 / 4 / 2 2
33PA406833 41% 0.565 PF01370 C1_S1120 - (108)7 21 / 3 / 2 3
34PA340724 100% 0.568 PF06438 C3_S135 - (0)10 21 / 1 / 2 4
35PA051830 100% 0.649 PF00034 C3_S167 - (0)4 19 / 4 / - 2
36PA312833 61% 0.625 PF00106 C1_S1110 - (78)7 18 / 8 / - 3
37PA255436 75% 0.548 PF00106 C1_S162 - (50)7 17 / 2 / 1 3
38PA057630 74% 0.621 PF04545 C5_S129 - (0)2 17 / - / - 0
39PA284080 50% 0.573 PF00271 C3_S1115 - (0)16 16 / 20 / 30 5
40PA164939 43% 0.531 PF00106 C1_S181 - (68)6 16 / 8 / 2 2
41PA362225 62% 0.548 PF04545 C4_S131 - (0)2 16 / 1 / 2 0
42PA466026 45% 0.527 PF03441 C3_S154 - (40)4 16 / - / 2 1
43PA087095 47% 0.605 PF00155 C1_S1151 - (112)20 15 / 22 / 59 14
44PA313993 73% 0.688 PF00155 C1_S1124 - (94)20 15 / 17 / 48 12
45PA043235 58% 0.484 PF00670 C3_S147 - (44)10 15 / 6 / 3 4
46PA295121 63% 0.577 PF00766 C3_S130 - (23)3 15 / - / - 1
47PA035059 48% 0.527 PF00186 C3_S1121 - (74)20 14 / 28 / 15 15
48PA475929 100% 0.566 PF01113 C2_S145 - (27)8 14 / 5 / 1 5
49PA428073 45% 0.549 PF08279 C6_S1109 - (93)20 13 / 32 / 13 13
50PA112550 48% 0.550 PF02146 C3_S1157 - (42)20 13 / 21 / 19 7

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