Atome 2 : Comparative Modeling, Annotation & Complexes Prediction of Study :
UP000002438 (Pseudomonas aeruginosa - Jan 2016)

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Tab legend :
    Full name of ligand selected in the comparative docking column:

    General color information : Quality: [ Good | Correct | Uncertain ]
QueryStructural Alignment (SA)3D Modeling AnnotationLigands from PDB templatesPredicted Complexes - pKd:[ ‹nMol | ‹μMol | ‹mMol ]

Query Sequence
SA found
Seq Ident. 3D Core
(QMean Score)
Classification code

Binding Site Ligands Found
Profile Complexes by comparative docking
(ligands from PDB templates)

for screening

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[Nb of SA]
[Best Ident]
[Best Score]
Main Code
Distribution of CDocking pKd
100PA003671 61% 0.594 PF00291 C2_S1104 - (98)14 6 / 14 / 37 9
101PA133741 84% 0.795 PF00710 C8_S129 - (29)14 - / - / 18 4
102PA092322 49% 0.575 PF11798 C3_S1330 - (291)14 3 / 6 / 20 7
103PA033036 100% 0.606 PF06026 C6_S139 - (16)14 - / - / 25 6
104PA467227 100% 0.612 PF01195 C2_S123 - (0)14 - / 1 / 9 6
105PA161036 100% 0.603 PF07977 C8_S132 - (3)14 - / - / 17 4
106PA357941 60% 0.515 PF00370 C3_S159 - (59)14 - / 3 / 17 4
107PA419256 58% 0.555 PF08402 C1_S152 - (0)14 - / 24 / 21 7
108PA179630 100% 0.571 PF02882 C7_S150 - (38)14 - / 15 / 10 4
109PA189921 65% 0.566 PF12680 C3_S155 - (1)14 - / - / 17 5
110PA311725 100% 0.546 PF02774 C4_S138 - (15)13 3 / 6 / 6 5
111PA298747 48% 0.561 PF00005 C1_S133 - (0)13 - / 20 / 9 6
112PA346666 46% 0.573 PF00271 C8_S161 - (0)13 7 / 19 / 26 6
113PA524327 100% 0.824 PF00490 C10_S128 - (18)13 - / - / 12 3
114PA386155 43% 0.565 PF00271 C6_S150 - (0)13 - / 16 / 27 6
115PA542631 71% 0.630 PF00731 C6_S135 - (25)13 - / 2 / 17 4
116PA499767 52% 0.322 PF00005 C2_S166 - (58)13 - / 40 / 10 6
117PA363643 100% 0.554 PF00793 C3_S146 - (36)13 - / - / 17 4
118PA374645 78% 0.548 PF02978 C7_S162 - (0)13 3 / 14 / 13 4
119PA533634 62% 0.527 PF00625 C4_S157 - (33)13 4 / 15 / 9 5
120PA078232 51% 0.507 PF00171 C3_S140 - (0)13 11 / 2 / 6 4
121PA316330 61% 0.653 PF02224 C2_S192 - (81)13 - / 16 / 8 6
122PA190021 98% 0.595 PF12680 C1_S150 - (1)12 - / 3 / 11 4
123PA234148 51% 0.500 PF00005 C2_S143 - (0)12 - / 12 / 14 5
124PA450660 35% 0.492 PF00005 C1_S149 - (0)12 - / 9 / 35 7
125PA344745 39% 0.499 PF00005 C1_S130 - (0)12 - / 7 / 18 6
126PA536646 37% 0.472 PF00005 C1_S135 - (0)12 - / 7 / 26 6
127PA503939 51% 0.572 PF01202 C1_S190 - (78)12 - / 19 / 10 7
128PA119520 100% 0.884 PF02274 C3_S117 - (12)12 - / - / 10 7
129PA200357 76% 0.577 PF00106 C1_S1119 - (81)12 41 / 4 / 6 7
130PA422253 39% 0.397 PF00005 C1_S164 - (64)12 - / - / 37 6
131PA481325 55% 0.488 PF00561 C3_S137 - (11)12 - / - / 14 0
132PA517239 100% 0.867 PF02729 C7_S146 - (36)12 - / 8 / 17 5
133PA522428 49% 0.540 PF00557 C2_S131 - (1)12 - / 3 / 6 1
134PA472228 41% 0.610 PF00155 C1_S137 - (28)12 - / 1 / 21 3
135PA271636 55% 0.556 PF00724 C3_S158 - (32)12 - / - / 28 1
136PA551624 58% 0.542 PF08543 C4_S152 - (26)12 - / 2 / 10 4
137PA531332 50% 0.559 PF00202 C1_S173 - (54)12 - / - / 12 0
138PA372333 58% 0.598 PF00724 C4_S185 - (41)12 1 / 1 / 10 1
139PA469620 42% 0.569 PF02776 C5_S176 - (33)12 9 / 2 / 8 3
140PA422369 42% 0.380 PF00005 C1_S163 - (63)12 - / 29 / 24 7
141PA148737 39% 0.516 PF00370 C1_S160 - (57)12 - / - / 15 4
142PA551432 44% 0.598 PF00905 C3_S146 - (0)12 - / - / 10 4
143PA093255 70% 0.565 PF00291 C4_S175 - (55)12 - / 2 / 36 6
144PA315529 100% 0.601 PF01041 C1_S193 - (0)12 1 / 6 / 7 5
145PA293431 99% 0.556 PF00561 C1_S137 - (0)12 - / 2 / 13 1
146PA280619 54% 0.428 PF14819 C5_S123 - (1)12 - / - / 17 3
147PA325446 50% 0.591 PF08402 C1_S132 - (0)12 - / 9 / 15 5
148PA368694 66% 0.647 PF05191 C2_S1143 - (130)12 59 / 30 / 2 5
149PA435851 60% 0.545 PF07670 C9_S166 - (0)12 5 / 27 / 10 8
150PA139349 50% 0.728 PF14306 C4_S186 - (76)12 - / 42 / 3 7

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