Atome 2 : Comparative Modeling, Annotation & Complexes Prediction of Study :
UP000002438 (Pseudomonas aeruginosa - Jan 2016)

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Tab legend :
    Full name of ligand selected in the comparative docking column:

    General color information : Quality: [ Good | Correct | Uncertain ]
QueryStructural Alignment (SA)3D Modeling AnnotationLigands from PDB templatesPredicted Complexes - pKd:[ ‹nMol | ‹μMol | ‹mMol ]

Query Sequence
SA found
Seq Ident. 3D Core
(QMean Score)
Classification code

Binding Site Ligands Found
Profile Complexes by comparative docking
(ligands from PDB templates)

for screening

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[Nb of SA]
[Best Ident]
[Best Score]
Main Code
Distribution of CDocking pKd
150PA293431 99% 0.556 PF00561 C1_S137 - (0)12 - / 2 / 13 1
151PA522428 49% 0.540 PF00557 C2_S131 - (1)12 - / 3 / 6 1
152PA435851 60% 0.545 PF07670 C9_S166 - (0)12 5 / 27 / 10 8
153PA551432 44% 0.598 PF00905 C3_S146 - (0)12 - / - / 10 4
154PA344745 39% 0.499 PF00005 C1_S130 - (0)12 - / 7 / 18 6
155PA239043 48% 0.549 PF08402 C3_S130 - (0)11 - / 18 / 11 6
156PA554622 39% 0.560 PF02353 C2_S185 - (41)11 - / 17 / 7 1
157PA286225 100% 0.484 PF00561 C1_S124 - (0)11 - / - / 11 1
158PA444417 73% 0.602 PF00062 C3_S128 - (0)11 - / 2 / 4 3
159PA491321 55% 0.563 PF13458 C1_S130 - (0)11 - / - / 8 5
160PA297826 49% 0.467 PF01451 C9_S122 - (2)11 - / - / 14 4
161PA509448 40% 0.565 PF08402 C1_S133 - (0)11 - / 3 / 27 6
162PA230020 71% 0.567 PF00704 C1_S171 - (0)11 2 / 1 / 8 3
163PA338441 39% 0.495 PF00005 C1_S134 - (0)11 - / 13 / 15 5
164PA452440 57% 0.581 PF02749 C3_S145 - (27)11 - / - / 23 3
165PA549396 63% 0.557 PF00476 C4_S1244 - (172)11 37 / 30 / 13 1
166PA361739 77% 0.542 PF00154 C1_S132 - (0)11 - / 16 / 8 5
167PA089232 70% 0.581 PF00005 C1_S131 - (0)11 - / 11 / 11 6
168PA040032 66% 0.648 PF01053 C1_S126 - (20)11 - / 2 / 11 5
169PA353843 43% 0.447 PF08402 C1_S139 - (0)11 - / 18 / 4 5
170PA478635 51% 0.559 PF00106 C2_S148 - (37)11 1 / 9 / 4 2
171PA351435 42% 0.527 PF08402 C1_S130 - (0)11 - / 8 / 15 6
172PA287622 64% 0.704 PF00215 C3_S139 - (24)11 - / 13 / 4 3
173PA374325 66% 0.613 PF01746 C5_S126 - (16)11 - / 20 / 1 5
174PA532220 100% 0.897 PF00408 C1_S117 - (15)11 - / 3 / 8 7
175PA230840 41% 0.488 PF00005 C1_S126 - (0)11 - / 4 / 20 6
176PA210447 39% 0.569 PF00291 C3_S169 - (56)11 - / 4 / 22 6
177PA364432 100% 0.628 PF00132 C3_S143 - (24)11 - / 2 / 15 6
178PA415841 35% 0.595 PF00005 C1_S133 - (0)11 - / - / 22 6
179PA466926 55% 0.497 PF00288 C1_S155 - (42)11 - / 5 / 7 6
180PA094439 59% 0.635 PF00551 C5_S1114 - (3)11 1 / 8 / 7 3
181PA101331 73% 0.488 PF01259 C2_S155 - (42)11 - / 15 / 12 5
182PA026639 74% 0.642 PF00202 C1_S164 - (41)11 - / 2 / 15 5
183PA229437 45% 0.524 PF08402 C1_S135 - (0)11 - / - / 16 5
184PA502528 56% 0.515 PF01053 C1_S123 - (19)11 - / 1 / 10 5
185PA360741 51% 0.523 PF08402 C2_S132 - (0)11 - / 8 / 13 5
186PA375120 68% 0.565 PF02222 C3_S159 - (43)11 - / 6 / 14 5
187PA060339 47% 0.487 PF08402 C1_S145 - (0)11 - / 6 / 13 5
188PA532171 70% 0.462 PF00692 C4_S1108 - (90)11 - / - / 35 4
189PA101062 100% 0.651 PF00701 C7_S1101 - (97)11 - / - / 14 2
190PA492036 100% 0.623 PF02540 C6_S150 - (49)11 1 / 11 / 14 4
191PA274030 100% 0.499 PF01409 C2_S118 - (13)11 2 / 7 / 6 9
192PA065124 52% 0.585 PF00218 C2_S121 - (7)10 - / 5 / 4 5
193PA297933 100% 0.503 PF02348 C1_S154 - (42)10 - / 11 / 10 4
194PA292637 72% 0.575 PF00005 C1_S143 - (0)10 - / 15 / 13 5
195PA219730 46% 0.511 PF00107 C2_S154 - (38)10 - / 9 / 4 1
196PA227522 56% 0.552 PF00107 C1_S140 - (28)10 7 / 2 / 3 3
197PA296622 88% 0.801 PF00550 C4_S111 - (0)10 - / - / 6 4
198PA469420 100% 0.637 PF00670 C3_S134 - (24)10 4 / 1 / 4 3
199PA138441 56% 0.640 PF01370 C1_S1151 - (126)10 41 / 4 / - 4
200PA255530 33% 0.493 PF13193 C4_S193 - (57)10 - / 17 / 6 5

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